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  • Nice Story Line
  • The navigations were intuitive and easy to use
  • Consistent text style
  • Full Screen funtionality

    (2 edits)

    An interesting and fascinating story you have there Cornelius. 

     Below are some highlight points about your design from a UI/UX perspective.

    I like how your design has used large white sans serif fonts that are "Easy-to-read" throughout your pages which provide good readability for the user. 

     Your use of consistency throughout your design (Page elements and navigation) provides the user with a familiar and intuitive page-by-page experience which ultimately helps to free up their cognitive resources which ultimately reduces "Cognitive friction".

    Also, I can see how you have applied Gestalt’s Law of Similarity and Law of Proximity throughout the design (Especially with your page navigation)  Your page navigation has been grouped closely together, has the same colours and is in the same location throughout all the pages.

    The colour theme and your choice of graphics are in alignment with your overall theme of your story which in itself would enhance the user experience. 

    Finally, an area to consider for improvement would be to incorporate a list of page buttons on the home page to give the user a sense of knowing where they are within the story application.  This will minimize the user feeling “Lost” during the navigation process which will free up their cognitive resources even further.

    Noted, Thanks for the feedback

    Great content and navigation works perfectly.
